How to kick those rainy day blues…with kids!

I don’t know about where you all are, but where I am in Korea, monsoon season has officially begun. Last year, it barely rained, which was awesome, but this year I think it’s going to do just the opposite.

Here are some fun activities to do with your kids during this rainy days of summer! Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments!

Top 10 fun activities to do with kids in the rain!


1. Go out and play in the rain! As long as it’s not thundering and lightning, you and your little ones (or even big little ones!) can put on your bathing suits and go splash in the puddles! (Just stay out off of main streets and away from large puddles because they could be deeper than they look!) When I was a kid, I would put on my swimsuit and walk around in the rain….with my umbrella. I was a quirky kid.

2. Have popsicle stick races! What are popsicle stick races you ask? Well, let me explain. While you are in your bathing suits, playing the rain, bring your used popsicle sticks outside and stick them in the water that is running towards a drain/sewer. Each child and/or adult can have their own stick and as the sticks float towards the drain, follow them to see who’s stick goes down first, which determines the winner. We used to do this when I was a kid, and I always thought it was the best game ever. To make this even more fun, kids can decorate their popsicle sticks beforehand!

3. Go to the movies! I love going to the movies and listening to the movie, as well as the rain hitting the roof. It’s one of the best sound combinations of summer. Go check out Monsters University and Despicable Me 2! Both of which are on my summer to-watch list!

4. Stay in, make a fort, and watch a Disney movie! A classic Disney movie that is…I am shocked by the fact that kids don’t watch Aladdin anymore or Snow White. I love Finding Nemo and Toy Story just as much as the next person, but come on, show your kids the classics, you’ll thank me later.

5. Read a book as a family! Just because the kiddos aren’t old enough to read chapter books themselves yet, doesn’t mean you can’t read the books to them. The Harry Potter series and The Little House on the Prairie series are great family reads!

6. Have a cleaning, dance party! I know, cleaning isn’t fun, as I type this I can see a ton of cleaning that I have to do too, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it fun. Turn up the music and turn cleaning into a dance party. It’s easier to get kids to clean when it’s raining, rather than when it’s sunny.

7. Play games! Not video goes, but board games. I really wish I still had my Mall Madness game or Dream Phone. But alas, I don’t. Monopoly and Life will have to do, for now!

8. Make something yummy together in the kitchen! I’m a snacker. I wish I wasn’t, but I am. When it rains, I like to bake and eat, then repeat. Make a cake, just for fun, or make cookies! Then, bring some to your neighbor and cheer them up on a rainy day.

9. Go craft crazy! One day, when it isn’t raining, make a rainy day craft box. This box can only be used when it’s rainy. That way, it’s specia.l Kids will get excited about the rain because it’ll mean it’s craft time! Supplies to include in the box: playdough, construction paper, glitter, glue, markers, crayons, toilet paper rolls, scissors, shrinky dink kits, beads, yarn, the list could go on and on and on.

10. Make your own edible playdough! As crazy as this sounds, I’m thinking about making my own playdough today, even though I don’t have any kids yet. I could use the practice right? And plus, it would be fun to do with my husband. We all need to bring out our inner child every once in a while, right?

Here are a few links to edible playdough:

Playdough made WITH peanut butter from Make and Takes blog. Since I am allergic to peanut butter and nuts, we will not be making this one in our house. But it sounds tasty!

Playdough made WITHOUT peanut butter from The Imagination Tree blog.

Glutten-free playdough recipe from Glutten Freedom’s Blog.

10 edible playdough recipes that are kind of cool and different from Family Corner. This list includes: a cream cheese recipe, an oatmeal recipe, and a jello recipe.

It doesn’t matter what you do with your kids on a rainy day, all that matters is that you are spending time with them. Have fun, be creative, and stay dry. (Unless you are outside on purpose, then get soaked!)